Motor Caravanners' Club
Nene Valley Group
1 All persons attending the rally do so at their own risk, and the Motorcaravanners' Club will not accept responsibility for persons or property. For Insurance cover, temporary campsites begin at times stated.
2 The safety and behaviour of children on the rally remains the sole responsibility of their parents or guardians.
3 Membership cards must be shown to the rally host on arrival, and must be produced if requested.
4 Vans must be parked as directed by rally host or committee member.
5 Members must allow 20ft/6m between vans.
6 Members arriving before rally host may be asked to move.
7 Visitors must report to rally host, and park in designated area, and not between vans.
8 The speed limit on site at all times is 5mph, and must be adhered to
9 Fires, including BBQs, must not be lit without permission of the rally host.
10 In event of fire please make as much noise as possible, and make your way to the Fire Assembly Point, to be indicated on arrival by rally host.
11 All vans should carry their own fire extinguisher, first aid kit and position a full fire bucket outside their vans.
12 In the event of a personal accident or illness within their van, members should sound their vehicle horn, and activate their vehicle hazard warning lights.
13 Dogs must be kept on leads and under control at all times, and exercised in the area designated. Any deposits must be uplifted, do not allow dogs to water awnings, wheels, water containers etc.
14 There shall be no smoking (including E-cigarettes), or animals, in halls, gazebos or tents.
15 Disposal of waste and rubbish must be at points indicated by rally hosts, if none are available then take it home with you.
16 Fresh water and waste water points must not be used for Elsan disposal or cleaning, under any circumstances. Toilet cassettes must only be emptied at designated Elsan disposal points..If a venue requires green chemicals, it must be used, or your toilet left unemptied when you leave. Waste water must not be discharged on any of our sites or public roads.
17 There should be no ball playing, kite flying etc. on the rally field, unless in a designated area.
18 There shall be no undue noise after 11.00pm and before 7.00am, unless the late event is published by the group committee/council of management. Generators only to be used between the hours of 10am to Noon and 4pm to 6pm, and then only when no other source of power is available.
19 It is advisable to have a torch for moving about the site in the evenings.