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Motor Caravanners' Club
Nene Valley Group
The Committee respectfully request that you do not make bookings after 8pm, any messages or texts will be dealt with after 9am the following day.
Please note that Loyalty cards are not taken in payment for Holiday Rallies.
This years AGM is fast approaching, with the appointment of Committee Members being one of the important items on the Agenda. There will be vacancies to fill this year. It is a small Committee and all members have a working role, which we fulfil by working as a team. This should alert you to the fact that you require a work ethic, and to be able to work together. To come onto a Committee to make the numbers up and be an observer is, I'm afraid, not what we want. Sounds harsh, but the success of this Group is due to the dedication of the present Committee, and the support of the Members. For this Group to survive, it is essential that we carry on in a similar vein. Please give things some serious thought, remember no Committee means no Group.
Any questions? phone Tony on 07792 353803
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